IPM Essen brimming with activity
But at the event itself, everything is top notch. Once an event for the tree nursery business, it's now been mostly taken over by breeders, cut flower growers and tech companies. Around 1600 companies from several dozen countries are doing their utmost to stand out. We'll publish a photo report here soon. For now, here's a small preview:
Betty Finkelstein and Daniel Kaufman of Danziger presenting the new Retail Solutions of Amore
Olivier Morel of Morel Diffusion. At their booth the Indiaka takes a center stage
Part of the team of Selecta one presenting the Dianthus Pink Kisses and its new display
Eric Ciraud of DHMI presenting the new Dipladenia Diamantina Tourmaline 'Rose Splash'
Click here for more information on IPM Essen.