Valentine's Day: The dawn of the yellow rose
The farm of Flores Verdes, located in Cayambe, Ecuador
High demand for yellow
Over the years, Flores Verdes always had a bit of demand for yellow roses during Valentine's Day, but this year they received more requests than ever. "We received so many orders that we were sold out completely", says Diez.
And a high demand usually results in higher prices. "As we saw with the price of yellow roses this year, such as Brighton, Impact, and High & Exotic, were around 35 percent higher compared to last year during the same period.
From left to right: Brighton, Impact, and High & Exotic.
What could be the reason for the high demand? Diez does not have a real explanation, but more color in the Valentine's Day bunches seems to be a trend in the US and Europe this year.
Colors better in demand
When considering the demand for roses for Valentine's Day this year, Diez notices an increase in demand for colors in general. "In previous years, our orders during Valentine's usually consisted of 50 percent of red roses and 50 percent color, but this year our orders were closer to 70 percent color and 30 percent red."
Red still Number 1
Red, however, is still the most popular color of Valentine's Day. "This year, we prepared a large pinch of our red roses and this resulted in a huge increase of stems. Usually, we produce around 1 million stems of red roses for Valentine's Day, but this year we broke 3 million. The demand for roses and red roses in particular is larger than we even expected, we are selling our roses nearly as fast as we can process them."
For more information:
Flores Verdes
Manuel Diez
Email: [email protected]