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NL: Can the TVX virus be removed from crates?

"We notice that many tulip forcers are worried about the TVX virus," says Joep Janssen of Limex. The manufacturer of cleaning machines is conducting a study into the removal of the TVX virus from crates for tulip forcing.

The virus has for a long time been a problem in tulip forcing. The leaf or the flower can be affected by the virus. Because this has a visual effect, tulips are rejected. Many studies have been conducted into the cause of the TVX virus. "There are several ways in which the virus is spread," Joep explains. "For example by mites in the bulb storage sites or via plant juices that are released by mechanical processing such as bulb harvesting, topping or by pins in forcing crates."
Infected crates
Limex makes washing machines for the forcing crates in which the flower bulbs are pricked on plastic pins. "The bulbs are pricked on the pins, whereby plant juices come into contact with the pins and the water. The virus can remain in the crate after tulips have been harvested and bulbs have been removed. Crates are used about four times per season."

"Michiel Kruyer from H & M flowers asked us whether our washing machines could remove the virus from the crates. Together we described the issue for a research study." H & M flowers made crates available for the test, and lab technicians from Groen Agro Control disinfected the crates and took care of the measuring."

Limex has tested six different washing processes. "In these processes we tested differences in temperature, time and applied cleaning agents or disinfectants."

Pieter Tielen from Limex is involved in the tests.

The results? "The tests showed that TVX was removed in two tests in which disinfectants and cleaning agents were used. The tests without chemicals did not yet achieve the desired result, but they do direct us in a certain direction."
Solutions without chemicals
This spring Limex will continue with the research. "The completed tests where TVX is still present give us sufficient information for further research. We strive for a solution to remove viruses without chemicals. Chemicals cost money and are taxing the environment. In addition, the solution should not have a negative effect on the forcing. This means that not all detergents are suitable. We realize that crates are just a step in the whole cultivation, but it is the step where Limex with its knowledge can offer added value. After all, clean starting material is the basis for a healthy product."
For more information:
Limex Machine Exploitatie B.V.
+31 (77)3074412
[email protected]
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