Anthura: Anthura Leeds

The Anthura Leeds is one of the special newcomers at Anthura. It is a "majestic floriferous Phalaenopsis". The flower size is 10.5 cm and the height (incl. pot) is 70 cm. The (advised) pot size is 12 cm.
Armada: Dianturi Twinkle®

The Dianturi Twinkle® is a richly flowering plant which flowers several times a year. The Dianturi Twinkle® is not vulnerable to diseases and plagues and is winterhardy. It can stand -15 Degrees Celsius. Besides that, it has a long shelf life in the store.
Beekenkamp Plants BV: Begonia Beauvilia series

The Begonia Beauvilia is an outdoor Begonia, available in 4 bonny colours. Looking very pretty side by side. A well branched Begonia series. Suitable for producing in a 10,5cm, 12cm and hanging baskets. Beauvilia Begonias are just the series which you can not miss on the patio. They produce flowers non stop all summer long. They like sunny and semi-shades spots. Self-cleaning. An eye catcher on the patio and in the garden.
Ernst Benary Samenzucht: BIG Begonia x benariensis BIG Rose Green Leaf

BIG Rose Green Leaf is part of the Big series, that now consist of 5 colors. The plants in this series are prolific bloomers, with extremely large flowers, up to 8 cm all season. They thrive in all climates in full sun or shade and finish two weeks earlier for faster turns and higher profits. They have good germination rates – full and mounded habit. BIG Rose Green Leaf fits perfect in the series with earliness and habit.
Brandkamp: Pot-Chrysanthemum Pretty Pemba

Pretty Pemba is the new series of single-flowering pot chrysanthemums from Brandkamp. Pretty Pemba is suitable for universal use. It is available in 5 beautiful and bright colors. Pretty Pemba is perfect for a unified culture. The even character of the series made them perfect for the production of mix pots or colorful window boxes. Pretty Pemba is easy to cultivate. They require little growth regulator and are almost thrips resistant. Pretty Pemba
Butterfly Garden: Lavendula stoec. 'Alexandra'

The Lavendula stoechas ‘Alexandra’ is a very compact plant with many branches, each covered/attached with several flowers. At the same time the flowers, as well as the wings, are very dark colored purple. In contrast, the foliage has a very intensive green color. Alexandra is very reliable when it comes to the production schedule.
Cohen Propagation Nurseries: Happy Classic Marble Yellow

The Petunia happy Classic Marble Yellow, new for 2015-2016, has mounding growth habits. The large flowers have a special yellow color with red veins in the center. They are early flowering and can handle the heat very well. Bred by Breier in Israel exclusively for Cohen.
Dümmen Orange: Kalanchoe Sublime: Piton Pink

Get to know the new brand of single-flowering kalanchoes of Dümmen Orange, the Calanday®. "We are happy to present this new, colourful brand and the newest of the kalanchoe varieties." The Piton Pink, for instance is the latest addition to the kalanchoe Sublime range and available as of September 2015. The pink-coloured range will be further expanded with Rudak, another new kalanchoe in this colour.
Florensis: Begonia boliviensis Truffle

New line of semi upright growing begonia showing delicate flowers with centre filling. All varieties are strongly branching and have incredible flower power. Very suitable for medium pot sizes, baskets and patio bowls. Truffle is introduced in 3 colours: Cream, Peach and Strawberry. The unique bicolour make this series one of the most attractive series in the market. Truffle has an excellent garden performance.
Jonge Planten Grünewald: Torelus `Torelus`

'Torelus' was introduced last year and the great interest of our customers is speaking for itself. Quick and easy culture in strong colours and uniform growth habit. Be surprised by the next generation.
Hishtil: Basil Tree

The Basil Tree has been developed to stay outside on the balcony or patio during summer, or placed inside on a window during winter. Thanks to its extra vigor derived from grafting, it will develop a woody trunk and a massive crowned head. The tasty leaves should constantly be harvested both for culinary purposes and maintenance of the plant’s attractive domed shape. This lucrative product is best sold in 1- 2L decorative pots once the trunk has become woody (3-4 months after planting). Unique Selling Points: The first basil tree, Ongoing foliage harvest, Grafted for improved performance, Patio plant in summer, house plant in winter.
Jaldety Plant Propagation Nurseries: Lampranthus Red Orange

The Lampranthus Red Orange is a succulent flowering plant, long color effect with red – orange flowers from late spring to autumn, drought tolerant once established, easy to grow, ideal for dry and coastal gardens, rock gardens, front of a border and ground covers.
For more information:

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The Netherlands
T: +31 71 - 364 91 01
F: +31 71 - 364 91 02