KP Holland: Kalanchoë Rosalina

The Rosalina series is also composed of double-flowered cultivars but with the classic Kalanchoë leaf shape. New, attractive varieties are added to the collection every year and are available in every colour for all pot sizes. The Rosalina series is distinguished by the perfect balance between its large number of buds and its compact habit.
D.H.M. breeding company by Lannes: DIAMANTINA Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a unique series of Mandevilla type in a non-climbing plant habit. DIAMANTINA Tourmaline White with Pink Eye perfectly fits the patio plant market segment. Flowering is exceptional and continuous from early spring to first frost. The mix of white and pink colors gives a very modern look to this new variety that will certainly catch the eye of all consumer types.
Lily Looks: Tiny Series

The Tiny Series consists of genetically compact Asiatic varieties (around 35-40cm high) especially developed and tested for the potted plant culture. Characteristics are: Clear flower colors, full green plants with a compact habit. The Tiny series is also very suitable for outside use.
P vd Haak Handelskwekerij: Toscana® Nixe

Toscana® Nixe is bicoloured; dark red white. This pelargonium is part of the Medium Line.
RijnPlant Breeding: Silvia®

‘Silvia®’, a cold-tolerant variety, is one of the newcomers in the market of anthuriums for cut flower production. Adding to the allure of this variety’s silver-green flowers are its purple veins, flower tip and spadix. A true eye-catcher in your mixed bouquet and easy to include in modern flower arrangements.
Sakata: SunPatiens 'Compact Electric Orange'

SunPatiens is de Impatiens voor alle weertypes. Warmte, kou, zon of schaduw - SunPatiens presteert uitstekent uw tuin. De Compact-serie is ideaal voor bloemperken, containers en balkonbakken. De Compact-serie bloeit de hele zomer en de herfst, tot aan de eerste vorst. Compact Electric Orange heeft een levendige kleur, welke niet vervaagd tijdens het seizoen. Deze bloemkleur van Electric Orange wordt aangevuld met een prachtig helder blad, wat resulteert in enorme impact in de handel en in de tuin.
Schneider youngplants: Calibrachoa

Schneider presents a new compact calibrachoa series. All plants in this line have a uniform growing habit and strong branching.
Schoneveld Breeding: Primula Pricanto

This little sister of our Touch Me is a beautiful Primula obconica in vintage style. The unusual bi-coloured flowers stand out in its variety. The plant has a strong and compact structure. Just as Touch Me, Pricanto has a long flower life and in principle, transportation does not pose any problems for this stylish plant. Pricanto is available in the colours red, lime and blue.
Selecta Klemm: Dianthus Pillow Red + Pillow Purple

New types of garden carnation are the compact growing varieties Pillow Red and Pillow Purple with filigree flowers. Pillow varieties are very good branching and have a flat, mat-like growth habit. The two varieties in red with a dark stars and pink with dark stars are suited for pots and basket as well as a ground cover. The flowers with an interesting star-pattern also convince with an excellent vase life and continuous flowering.
Sion: Phalaenopsis Mountion

Phalaenopsis Mountion is the beautiful blush that one and all reliability and very appreciated by his beautiful pink drawing that spreads itself as an explosion on the flower
Syngenta: Viola x wittrockiana Delta

The Viola x wittrockiana Delta is a pansie for spring and autumn production. It flowers early and it has uniform flowering habits. The Delta varieties are available in two color: Deep Blue and Neon Violet.
Van Den Bos Flowerbulbs Fragrant Sunburst®

Fragrant Sunburst® is the name given to the first pot freesia in the Lovely series. This genetically compact variety produces beautiful, delightfully scented golden-yellow flowers. In coming years, the Lovely series will include more of these similarly compact pot varieties in a range of colours. Fragrant Sunburst® is characterised by its long, elegantly shaped spike like racemes bearing large flowers with the familiar subtle freesia fragrance. The cultivation period from planting to flowering is 12 weeks.
Volmary: Bidens 'Pink Princess'

The Bidens 'Pink Princess' has large white flowers with striking pink markings. These spherical growing plants have dense foliage and firm stems.
For more information:

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The Netherlands
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