FloraHolland Annual Report: Profit of 9.6 million
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Turbulent year
According to the annual report, 2014 was a turbulent year for the auction. There were some changes in the management, a disagreement about covering the loss of 2013, FloraHolland stopped checking on product quality and there was a discussion going on about the supply rights.
Totaal klokomzet = Total clock turnover. Totaal omzet FloraHolland = Total turnover FloraHolland. Totaal omzet group = Total turnover group.
From an economic perspective, 2014 was a year of modest recovery; a long expected recovery, which was slightly hindered by tensions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. At macro level, Germany and Russia in particular performed worse than expected. A slight economic optimism developed in the Netherlands, although it did not result in strong growth.
Plus 1,4%
Against this background, FloraHolland's growth in sales was satisfactory, (a growth of 1.4% in spite of slightly higher prices). Some product groups achieved excellent results, others less so. The 2013-2014 tulip season was good. The garden plant season proved disappointing despite an extremely early spring.
At country level, Germany, France, Switzerland, Poland and Austria scored well. Exports to Russia dropped substantially. Sales developments there give reason for concern.
Market developments
According to FloraHolland, the production is internationalizing. Because of this, the Dutch share in global flower and plant production is decreasing. Furthermore, growers increasingly sell their products without the direct intervention of FloraHolland and they operate further up the chain more often than before. The importance of the auction clock decreases as the use of electronic sales resources rises. It has to be said, however, that in 2014 this took place slower than expected.
Importance clock decreases
Increasingly more often, growers are going further into the chain. Due to the use of digital distribution channels, the importance of the clock declines.
In order to answer these market developments, FloraHolland draws up FloraHolland 2020. With FloraHolland 2020, the cooperative has set a course for the future in which we will make the floriculture industry bloom; a course aimed at improving the margins for our members and their customers, and for greater consumer spending on flowers & plants.
Click here to view the complete annual report.