Special Breeding at FloralDaily
Breeding is an ongoing industry which is continuously developing. Lately, licenses have become an important subject in floriculture. Who owns the species and how to protect this species.
If your company has a new product or if you have news to share regarding this topic, please let us know. We would like to highlight all aspects related to breeding. You can send a press release to [email protected] or you can contact our editorial staff about writing an article. If you want your company to be featured in this Special every day of this month, it is possible to place a banner.
This special offers a unique possibility to put your own company in the spotlight by placing a banner.
The Special Breeding lasts until August 31. Advertising for one month in the Special in the HortiDaily newsletter costs € 825 and € 435 on the website. On FloralDaily and on our Dutch websites, a banner costs € 700 in the newsletter and € 375 on the website. Placing a banner on more websites is possible at a special rate. Send us an e-mail for more information.