Netherlands: Hydrangeas from Islandplant
All hydrangeas come from a mother plant. The biggest species are the more common types. The living room hydrangea, pot size 13 cm is one of the most desired, but the nursery has also developed its own line: the Dutch Ladies. There are five types of the Dutch ladies: Samantha, Sita, Selma, Selina and Sylvia.
Autumn is almost here, that means that soon Islandplant will be filled with poinsettias.
Some other news is that Islandplant has joined the geothermal project. At the moment the company has an old boiler but soon they hope to save significantly on heating costs with this new source of energy.
For more information:
Peter van den Bos
Achterdijk 32
3237 LA Vierpolders
T: 0181-413692
F: 0181-472616
E: [email protected]