Botanicoir - Inside a Sri Lankan coconut coir business from Coconut Information on Vimeo.
Based in the UK, Botanicoir is a coir substrate manufacturer that has worked for many years with some of the world’s biggest soft fruit growers providing high quality growing media for a wide variety of systems. Recently they launched their new product “Precision Plus” after significant investment in their production facility. Over the last few seasons, Botanicoir has pioneered and developed a specific blend of coir particle sizes best suited to strawberry crop production. This mix has very good drainage and air-fill porosity, industry leading water and nutrient holding capacity, excellent structural integrity and longevity of unit production. Their products can also be found in other production systems such as hydroponic greenhouse vegetables and flowers.
For more information:
Kalum Balasuriya
T: 0207 564 8454
[email protected]