Germany: REWE Group sells poinsettias from GRASP assessed producers
The seedlings used to cultivate the poinsettias come from Kenya and Ethiopia, and are grown to full plants in Germany. The poinsettias sold in PENNY markets are the product of a pilot project that requires producers to gain a GLOBALG.A.P. Assessment on Social Practices – GRASP.
REWE Group developed the PRO PLANET label, under which these Christmas plants are sold, to offer sustainable and socially responsible products to consumers at all its markets, including toom Baumarkt and PENNY Supermarkets.
This year, GRASP underwent a significant revision process. With more than 13,000 producers having pledged their commitment to social responsibility through GRASP, the voluntary add-on module has become an important tool for demonstrating social compliance. The recent revision brings several important changes and improvements. Learn more about the latest changes here.
The new GRASP Module (Control Points and Compliance Criteria), GRASP Assessment Checklist, and GRASP General Rules V1.3 have been published in English and German (other languages will follow) and can be downloaded at
For more information
Global G.A.P.