Golden Glory
Florsani grows the solidago "Golden Glory" on 2 hectares in Malchingui, Ecuador. The variety is known for its large sized yellow flower - approximately 0.5 cm flowers - with heavy stem. "It is also a long lasting plant which requires minimal artificial light and a high inflorescence volume", adds Garcia.
Bouquets and medical medicine
The flowers are most often used in bouquets and arrangements by florists. "It is commonly used as filler and often combined with sunflowers. It is ideal for adding volume and texture to any arrangement or bouquet", says Garcia. However, next to decorative usage, the flower is also used in traditional medicine. The genus name Solidago, from the Latin “solido”, means "to heal" or "to make whole," which references the many uses of the flower in traditional medicine. The only use being researched today is the plant's effectiveness against antibiotic resistant bacterial strains.

Increasing demand
Florsani exports their solidago all over the world, but their main market is the United States. According to Garcia, the demand for the solidago in the US is increasing. "We are still in the middle of the year and fall is typically the high season of the flower, but we already notice a small increase in the demand compared to last year. This is not exponential, but we expect it will increase until December”, she says.
For more information

Cristina Garcia
Email: marketing@florsani.com