More products with the label 'Premium Quality' at Rhein-Maas
Offer 'Premium Quality'
Since the introduction for pot chrysanthemum, the 'Premium Quality' is established as a strong brand with customers of Veiling Rhein-Maas. The assortment of 'Premium Quality'-products now includes: anthuriums, phalaenopsis, cyclamen, pot chrysanthemum, gaultheria, helleborus, callunas, osteospermum, palargonium zonale, buxus and lavandula angustifolia for the pot plants, but also for the cut flowers ranonculus and now gladiolas.
Import gladiolas and lavender
After the roll out of the label 'Premium Quality' as a pilot project for cut flowers, ranunculus was received very positively, the gladiolas as the second auction group of cut flowers followed at the beginning of July. Fortunately, also the gladiolas reached a good price level and exceeded the demand expectations.
Also noted with satisfaction was that the introduction of the ‘Premium Quality' label for lavender by the end of May this year went smoothly. Due to the poor weather conditions the necessary quality levels could not be guaranteed, so the incoming goods had to be terminated.
More product groups will follow
For both the cut flowers and pot plants ‘Premium Quality' will be introduced for more product groups.
For more information:
Veiling Rhein-Maas