Selection from the program
- Visit different marketing channels of various flower and plant varieties
- See how flowers are used in Germany
- Visit wholesaler of flowers and plants
- Visit supermarkets, local flower markets and small flower stalls
- Meet Dutch officials and representatives
- Learn about conducting business with Germans and what opportunities are available
Together with the Market Specialist from Royal FloraHolland, participants will visit different marketing channels in a small group during these two days, and will be able to see for themselves how the chain functions. By talking to florists, wholesalers and staff at supermarkets and garden centres, they will also get a good idea of how the demand in the market is developing. Participants will gain more insight into how the product flows move, the role of flowers and plants in the retail channel during the Christmas period, and the behaviour of consumers.
There will also be answers to concrete questions like:
- What do the products look like in terms of composition or colour?
- What rates are charged by wholesalers and retailers?
- What kinds of cut flowers or plants do well?
- Is there a preference for particular arrangements?
- Which pot sizes are popular?
The study trip costs about €1000 excl. VAT. This includes the transport to Germany, interpreter, overnight accommodation, meals, transfer inside Germany, and coaching by the Market Specialist.
The deadline for registration with Customer Services for the study trip to Germany on 12 and 13 December 2016 is 1 December.
Source: Royal FloraHolland