Audrey Vincent at the FloraHolland TradeFair in the Netherlands.
The new O Kraft is a new edition to the Aquapack series that has already been on the market for about 20 years. It is, according to Audrey Vincent, a ready to sell/offer packaging concept. "The bouquet can be placed on the table right away as the vase is incorporated in the packaging." And this incorporated vase brings another advantage; it extends the shelf life of the bouquet. "When making the bouquet, the vase is filled with water. As packaging of the Aquapack is tied around the stems does not have to put the flowers in another vase,there is less exchange between air and water, so there is less bacteria development. This results in an average vase life of 10 days for the bouquet in the Aquapack compared to a bouquet with packaging. Of course, this is an average and depends per flower variety."

O Kraft
O Kraft
"We have to keep improving our products and come up with new products that are adjusted to the current trends in the market", says Polypap's Audrey Vincent. And their recently launched O Kraft, is such a product that has been developed with the eye on a current market trend, namely having and using natural products. "Instead of being entirely plastic, this sleeve is made of carton- over 80 percent of the sleeve consists of carton and kraft - and has a small layer of film. So even with the kraft paper, this sleeve is still water proof", she says.
General idea for O Kraft: O Kraft is an Aquapack in Kraft to follow the new trend of having and using natural products. It has a natural aspect and
Over the years, the demand for the Aquapack series is increasing, especially in France, the UK and Switzerland. "We sell them to exporters and florists and in these countries they are aware of the value that it adds to a bouquet. However, not in every country, florists know how what to do with this product. In the Netherlands for example, florists are not used to selling flowers in such a concept. So, at the moment, we are mainly supplying the products to the Dutch exporters", says Audrey Vincent. "Hopefully, as the environment and being environmentally friendly becomes increasingly important, the O Kraft will attract the Dutch florists too. At the FloraHolland TradeFair, where the O Kraft was on display for the first time, we already received positive reactions from our clients and prospects."
For more infor

Audrey Vincent
Email: avincent@polypap.fr