"It seems like this new color was the missing part of the series", says Haim Rosenblum of Hishtil. The series in question is the Penstemon Pentastic and Blush is the new color that has been added. This Israeli propagator presented this color for the first time at the California Spring Trials last month and according to Rosenblum, the reactions were great.
Penstemon Pentastic Blush
Penstemon - Pentastic
The new color "Blush" is added to the Penstemon Pentastic series of Histhtil. Rose, pink and red are already on the market and blush brings the series to four colors. Next to its big and upward-outwards pointing flowers, the growing habit of this series is what sets it apart. "It has a compact growing habit - no PGRs are needed. Also no special lighting is required nor extra trimming. The series flowers at the same time and performs uniform height. The growing time from planting to flowering (in container) is about 16-18 weeks."
Penstemon Pentastic Blush
The series was introduced three years ago, in 2015, and since then, the demand has been increasing year by year and in several countries all over the world. Among others, it is, for example, grown in the US, France, Netherlands, Germany, Japan. "We are pleased with the increase in demand and we expect the new color to boost the demand. At the CAST, the reactions were already great and several clients showed interest. We hope to get the same reactions at the FlowerTrials," says Haim Rosenblum.

Penstemon Pentastic Blush
FlowerTrials 2018In June (12-15), Blush, together with all other varieties in the Pentastic series will also be on display at the
FlowerTrials. Then, a similar event like the California Spring Trials will be held in the Netherlands and Germany. At 30 locations in the Westland and Aalsmeer area (the Netherlands) and Rhineland Westfalen (Germany), 60 companies will be displaying their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to wholesalers, growers and retailers. Hishtil is also participating in this event (
at MNP flowers in the Aalsmeer region) and will showcase there the Pentastic series, among other novelties and Hishtil's specialty.
Penstemon Pentastic Pink/Rose/Red.
More colors to come
Even though Blush seems to complete the Penstemon Pentastic series, it will not be the last color addition to the series. "The breeding of new colors is in full swing and we are always on the hunt for new varieties to enlarge our collection and give our clients another color to expand the existing color range."