The last few months were exciting for Colombian carnation grower Turflor. They are expanding their production area with 20 hectares (from 35 to 55). The construction work started last year and they expect to have all greenhouses finished at the end of 2018.Mauricio Briceño at the FlowersExpo 2018 in Moscow, Russia.
At the FlowersExpo 2018 in Moscow Mauricio Briceño, CEO of the company, tells about their reason to expand. “We used to grow 100 varieties and when the greenhouse is ready, we are planning to have an assortment of 130 varieties. We feel that the current and potential customer are asking for top quality product.”
Next to carnations, they are also expanding their assortment with new Dianthus barbatus carnation varieties of Selecta. “We have been trialling them for about two years to learn how to grow them. We are currently growing them on 0.5 ha. We already exported them to the US and Canada and so far, the reactions have been very good”, Mauricio says. Also in Russia, where traditionally speaking large flowers are mostly demanded, visitors at the FlowersExpo 2018 seem to be very interested. “Around 8 percent of our production is going to Russia. There we see a trend towards more smaller flowers in large bouquets.”
Turflor is expecting to grow in several markets. “Our current target is to increase our presence in the US, Europe and Russia. We also see a big potential to grow in Japan and South Korea as well.”
For more information
Mauricio Briceño