In many parts of the world, May means Mother's Day. And this year, it was celebrated on May 13. In the run-up to this holiday, the prices of Kenyan roses were high and it enabled outdoor plant growers to catch up with sales losses of cold March. Also Mother's Day itself has been a good one for many in Europe, with Veiling Rhein-Maas recording the most successful Mother's Day week since its inception.
But more happened from May 1-15, like the merger of Equiflor and P&F Costa Rica Flower Farms, the announcement of the new exhibition concept for Africa and Hortiflor expo IPM Bejing. See below the complete overview.
Low supply due to heavy rains:
Kenya: High rose prices in run-up to Mother's Day
EU: Growers catching up with sales loss to cold March
Equiflor and P&F Costa Rica Flower Farms join forces
Two large South American flower growers merge
Queen Genetics makes debut at FlowerTrials 2018
"It is time to show all our crops"
Selecta One at the IPM Hortiflorexpo Beijing
25 percent growth for Chinese cut flower market
Fresh produce (FPA) displayed alongside flowers (IFTEX)
New exhibition concept for Africa
"It might have been our best Mother's Day ever"
Hortiflorexpo IPM Beijing 2018 is on
UK: "Scented pelargoniums flying off the shelves"