Few things are as transparent, or rather invisible, as various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Still, broadcast towers are controversial, high-voltage cables are suspect, too much UV is harmful, and electro-hypersensitivity is more and more common. It exists, and for most people that is sufficient. But what if this radiation turns out to have negative effects to, for example, the cultivation set-up? The help of a specialist may be needed.
And that is exactly what Kwekerij Vieverde from Casteray (in the Dutch province of Limburg) did. "We have been seeing things happen for years, of which we suspect they are related to electricity, but of which we do not understand the exact causes. It mostly concerns metals, such as remarkably strong oxidation to the frame or corrosion to the brackets, and which is not always visible, at specific places or - we discovered - at a certain energy use in the season."
Not exactly world shocking problems, but still questions which have been there for a time. Could it not have a hidden effect on cucumbers and strawberries? With this in mind, extra earthing pins were left in the greenhouse, and other measures have been taken to limit the number of electromagnetic fields as much as possible.
Then there was Raymond Lescrauwaet, specialist in the field of electromagnetism. This unnatural radiation, mostly caused by humans, could have various effects on people and the environment, and Raymond is particularly researching the effects on irrigation water and plant growth. He follows the scientific research, and conducts technical measurements of field strengths, net pollution, and earthing resistance in residences, buildings, sheds, and greenhouses. Within horticulture, various growers of chrysanthemums, lisianthus, and various vegetables make use of his service.
Electromagnetic radiation has an influence on the molecular structure of the water, according to Raymond. Given a boost of radiation by electrical pumps, the nutrients are distributed less well over the water, resulting in more run-off, less root development, and other undesirable effects in cultivation. Possibly, the accelerated oxidation of steel constructions and fixtures is caused by relatively small wandering currents in the greenhouse. Apparently, it is quite complicated.
Raymond: "In short, we had to make the greenhouse and water installation low in radiation. I went to Vieverde, have done the required measurements, and observed that particularly the stainless steel pump houses and installation were not properly earthed. In this way, the potential difference between the water and ground (earth) can be reduced to almost zero, and we have to see whether the mysterious phenomena will still take place."
If this is indeed the cause for the 'polluted' water, better action can be taken. The water has to be returned to its original form, preferably, which can be realized by means of a sort of 'counter radiation' which improves the molecular structure of the water by using specific resonance frequencies. That is possible, as more and more growers all over the world know, with the technology of Aqua4D from Switzerland.
For now, Vieverde is satisfied, in the first place because a kind of ghost has been revealed, which is still technically measurable. Whether earthing has already led to permanent quality improvement, it is still too early to say. About a practice test with an Aqua4D water system, which is applied to 1 side of the greenhouse with strawberries, the grower says that some possible improvements can be detected, but wants to wait in the coming months for a definitive judgement. He does indicate that the irrigation tubes on the side treated with Aqua4D are visibly cleaner, with less bio-film which can have various positive results.
For more information:
Kwekerij Vieverde
Ed Classens
Roffert 8
5811 AT Castenray (Limburg)
Tel: +31(0)478-571528
Raymond Lescrauwaet
Graaf Florislaan 40
1217 KM Hilversum
T: +31(0)35-8872683
M: +31(0)6-51608350