This year Gempler’s, that is celebrating its 80th year in business, was bought by Carl Atwell. His vision is clear: “We believe we can rebuild a great company based on bringing forward great product and excellent service and make a difference in the lives of customers, employees, and in the communities where we live and work.”
Carl Atwell.
Mobile repairs
The company has its roots in the tire business that Bill Gempler started in 1939, making easy mobile repairs for farmers. Over the years, he and others expanded the company, offering thousands of products.
Improving customer experience
Six months after acquiring the company, Atwell says the focus is to continue to improve the customer experience including product selection, purchasing process, and after the sale service. “I’m not trying to make Gempler’s a one-stop shop for everything and everyone. I’m looking to closely curate merchandise best suited for my customer.”
New catalog.
Hands in the soil
“The brand has an amazing history that is authentic, real, and grounded in things we believe in. We love the customers of Gempler’s, they are people that have their hands in the soil or are working hard outdoors. I want Gempler’s to be a company that finds products that solve problems when the customer may not have known there was a solution.”
Good customer service
“We believe we can provide the best experience surrounded by good customer service. For example, our Shipping Saver program is really unique. All orders placed by 3pm ship out the same business day. We aim to be the kind of place people want to do business with.”
For more information:Gempler's