Finishing Easter lilies on time. It is a challenge for many US growers and for the upcoming reason, Zabo Plant is therefore very pleased with their new Lily Looks longiflorum ‘Miracle'. This Easter lily is faster and genetically shorter, which ensures growers to have their product ready on time. Not only in the US, but also in other countries, the reactions are positive and the interest is high, explains Zabo Plant's Luke Broersen.
Guido Veeken and Luke Broersen (holding Miracle) of Zabo Plant at Cultivate'19 in Columbus (OH), USA.
Easter Lily ‘Miracle' is a variety bred by the Dutch lily breeding company MAK Breeding Lily and are sold under the brand name Lily Looks. The special characteristic of this variety is the fact that it is a fast variety. "It is several weeks earlier than the well-known varieties that are currently in the market", says Broersen. The bulbs can be supplied out of the Netherlands earlier than regular lilies and also the cultivation period is a bit shorter than usual; Approx. 85 days in normal growing conditions. On top of that, it is a genetically shorter variety, so no or less plant growth regulators (PGRs) are required.
The lily was introduced two years ago, and the results of the test are good. At Cultivate'19 they showed the variety and will be commercial available from spring 2020. According to Broersen, the interest is high. "It gives growers a little peace of mind when knowing that their lilies will be ready on time."
And not only in the US, the demand is picking up, also growers from other countries are showing interest in this variety.
For more information
Zabo Plant
Luke Broersen
Korte Belkmerweg 1-A
1756 CB 't Zand
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 224-592859
E: [email protected]