Dümmen Orange organized their Open House in Colombia welcoming more visitors compared to previous years. At the trial site at Flores Silvestres, El Carmen, Antioquia growers from Colombia, USA, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Holland and Israel got a nice product presentation of many of the breeder's cut chrysanthemum varieties.
Ivan Dario Perez, Account Manager Dümmen Orange: “We are truly happy and proud with the amount and quality of visitors during our event. Great to speak to so many customers and show our varieties. We see more demand for using our Cremon type varieties as Andrea, Tusca, Pink Creation, and others as focal in bouquets and arrangements. Moreover, vintage colours are definitely marking a trend and each time more customers ask about these colours in varieties as Candid, Veronica Salmon, Trissia, Champagne Salmon and Dotan.”
For the first time in Colombia, Dümmen Orange worked with KoenPack to present its varieties in bouquets elaborated by Flores Silvestres. KoenPack showed their products and presented their company in a nice way.
A separate event was held on Wednesday evening, organized by all breeders, Procolombia, Asocolflores and PMA. Attendants got an update on the latest trends and developments in the mass-market segment. Augusto Solano as President of Asocolflores opened the event with a speech regarding the opportunities that Colombia has growing cut flowers. Procolombia and Asocolflores also participated as co-sponsors of the event.
The open house is part of a Colombian initiative that has been set up thanks to teamwork with six other cut mum breeders (Deliflor, Danziger, Dekker, Icon, Royal Van Zanten and Floritec).
For more information
Dümmen Orange
Ivan Dario Perez, Account Manager
[email protected]