Suntory Flowers kicked off 2020 with a rosy outlook introducing a new variety to its Brindabella Roses series at the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trades Show (MANTS) in Baltimore, Maryland.
The debutante is Pink Princess, a sport of the popular Purple Prince. Plants were bred for disease resistance, most notably black spot and powdery mildew. These modern shrub roses also have strong branching, dense foliage and bushy growth habit. In two years, the roses reach about a meter tall and wide. The series now spans six colors.
To emphasize fragrance, the slogans are "Time to smell the roses!" and "Follow your nose to the best new rose!"
Brindabella breeder John Gray
Breeder John Gray journeyed all the way from Australia to be at the booth to answer questions and gain direct market feedback from growers, retailers and landscapers. This was his second time at MANTS. He was joined by Sam McCoy of Dig Plant Company, the agent who represents Brindabella Roses.
Leading the exhibition were Scott Gilham and Terri Kelley of Sun-Fire Nurseries, who produce Brindabella liners for the North American market. Based in Sarasota, Florida, they evaluate and select the introductions that can withstand harsh Southern conditions. Brindabella is also being trialed throughout the USA for winter hardiness. First Step Greenhouse is another liner source in California.
Scott Gilham and Terri Kelley of Sun-Fire Nurseries, Sam McCoy of Dig Plant Co., breeder John Gray and Delilah Onofrey of Suntory Flowers
At MANTS, the Suntory Flowers booth was completely focused on shrub roses. Another line is the more compact, disease resistant Sunrosa roses in vibrant colors. Sunrosa Yellow Delight was introduced a year ago. Major growers and retailers have been producing both lines and they continue to feed interest in each other.
For more information about Brindabella Roses, visit the Suntory website, or download the brochure.
For more information:
Suntory Flowers