The client wants an alternative to plastic, but still wants to see the flowers. With this in mind, Germany packaging manufacturer Weber Verpackungen started their search for a new sleeve and at the IPM Essen, last January, they showed their concept product.
Olaf Amende and Thomas Leithe at the IPM Essen. Amende is showing both, the paper-glassine and paper-plastic combination sleeve.
"There are already paper sleeves on the market, but it doesn't make the bunch more attractive as one cannot see the flowers. In order to see the flower, we put paper-plastic sleeves on the market several years ago. But then, plastic is used. So, to meet the clients' demand and to avoid the plastic-paper discussion we started to think about alternatives to plastic", explains Olaf Amende, Key Account Manager at the company.
In front, the paper-glassine combination sleeve
They came up with a new product that they have not used before with flowers; glassine. "We've put it on the top of the sleeve, so that the flowers - due to the transparent characteristic of glassine - are more visible. I think it will work great for mono-bunches."
At the IPM Essen, they showed the sleeve for the first time and the reactions were positive. "Now, we have to test it in practice." After the tests, Weber Verpackungen will decide to add this product to their bloom guard range.
For more information
Weber Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
Olaf Amende
Email: [email protected] or