Terra Nova Nurseries announced a sneak peek of its brand-new variety, Echinacea ‘Giddy Pink’. This fast-growing perennial variety blooms from July to October, and produces bright pink, double flowers that create contrast against its pine-green foliage. Its flowers are long-lasting and grow in large numbers.
© Eberly & Collard
Echinacea ‘Giddy Pink’ is a branched, easy to grow flower machine that creates a focal point in the garden. This plant is suitable for beds, borders and containers. It is also a good addition to a mass display.
Echinacea ‘Giddy Pink’ has a variety of special uses; it is a cut flower, a pollinator attractor, deer resistant, and well suited for the American Deep South. It also has an excellent habit and foliage cover.
U.S.D.A. Hardiness Zones for Echinacea ‘Giddy Pink’ are 4-9, and its exposure allows for full sun. It has a foliage height of 16”, a foliage spread of 24” and a flower height of 22”.
Terra Nova Nurseries has created a “Plant Profile” page and “Grower Recipe” specific to this new variety so growers interested in orders can learn about growing habits, plant characteristics, fertilization recommendations, water requirements, and other insights provided by the breeding team. These documents can be viewed and downloaded for printing at: http://www.terranovanurseries.com/product/echinacea-giddy-pink/. Growers can contact their Terra Nova Nurseries representatives or email the sales team at sales@terranovanurseries.com.