James Coles Nurseries in Thurnby, Leicester, is a grower of amenity trees and shrubs in the UK with 7 production locations on 500 acres. James Moffatt, main grower on the Syston production site uses Anderline (Amblyseius andersoni) Gemini sachets, Anderline Bugline and loose product from week 14 to week 40. The product is applied in propagation, during the final potting cycle and on the stock plants outdoors. “Anderline Bugline saves at least 40% of labour compared to introducing sachets”, according to James Moffatt.
On the left: Bioline Anderline. On the right: Sam Critchley, Bioline's commercial manager North Europe
The different predators Californiline (Amblyseius californicus), Phytoline (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and Anderline each have their own angle of attack on spider mite. To get the best possible control all three species are used. As mentioned before Amblyseius andersoni has many advantages in the UK climate. Anderline can overwinter on the crop, which is a big help early in the season. The first spider mite is dealt with adequately, reducing overall pest pressure for the rest of the year. Because of the excellent performance on the stock plants the cutting production can start with low spider mite pressure. The aim is always to protect the crop from potting to sales and Anderline is a great tool in achieving this goal.
Anderline (Amblyseius andersoni) can be used against a broad range of pests including spider mite and russet mite in a variety of crops. In this article we focus on spider mite control.
Working with a variety of predatory mite species will ensure spider mite control under a number of conditions. Each predatory mite works best in different conditions of climate and habitat, also having a varied mode of action. Bioline Agroscienes would like to assist you in finding the optimal solution for your specific crop and situation. They would like to do so by answering the following question: Anderline, how important is this mite for spider mite control?
One of the key features of Anderline is its ability to establish in a crop with little or no spider mite present. Research has shown this will allow Anderline to keep pest levels very low over a period of months. Amblyseius andersoni is naturally occurring in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. This allows the predatory mite to survive the winters and rapidly repopulate the crops in springtime. Starting the season with an additional introduction of Anderline will ensure a standing army, ready to tackle any spider mite infestation.
For more information: Bioline AgroSciences
Sam Critchley, commercial manager North Europe
Mob. +44 (0) 7880 737 947
[email protected]