Since Tuesday farms in Ethiopia have been closed due to the chaos in the country that arose after the murder of singer and activist Hachalu Hundessa, Monday night. On Tuesday, Ethiopians started violent protests - which are still ongoing - resulting in roads that are blocked, even the internet is down and phone calls are not getting through.
Hachalu Hundessa (age 34) was a popular singer and ethnic Oromo activist and was known for his political songs, often on the rights of the country's Oromo ethnic group, which is the country’s largest ethnic group. He had millions of fans. He was shot on Monday night in Addis Ababa and police are still investigating his death.
As the Oromo region has been shut down, farms in this area had to close down operations as well. Fortunately, farms are no explicit target, local sources told us. How the situation will continue is unclear.
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed us that they follow the situation closely and keep close contact with the Dutch companies – many of whom own a farm - in Ethiopia. They adjusted the travel advice with extra security warnings.