OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute), reviewer of input products for organic use, announced today that the familiar OMRI Listed seal will now represent all OMRI Listed products, eliminating additional variations for products reviewed under the Canadian organic standards. A minor update to the optional wording below the Seal will provide additional consumer guidance, referring product users directly to to verify product use information.
The most significant change will be the phasing out of the OMRI Canada and OMRI USA-Canada seals (a process which will include a four-year grace period for affected suppliers), with an eye toward simplification and improved brand recognition. According to OMRI Executive Director/CEO Peggy Miars, “The OMRI Listed seal continues to represent quality and integrity to the end users and certifiers who rely on it. As OMRI continues to evolve and expand, a more flexible, universal Seal will best serve input suppliers, and leverage OMRI’s already strong brand recognition across markets.”

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