According to SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service, in Q1 2020 Russia imported $104.7 mn worth of cut flowers, down 1.6% year-on-year.
Roses account for the majority of imports with 238.9 mn flowers (-1.4%) worth $49.5 mn (+2.5%) imported, mostly from Belarus, Ecuador and Kenya.
Import of chrysanthemums rose by 0.9% up to 79.1 mn flowers worth $15.2 mn, up 1.3%. The main countries of origin were Belarus, the Netherlands and Spain.
Import of carnations increased by 5% up to 44.2 mn flowers worth $4.4 mn, mainly from Belarus, Colombia and Ecuador.
Lilies import made 3.1 mn flowers (+6.9%) worth $1.4 mn (-6.7%), the largest amount supplied from the Netherlands, Belarus and Italy.
Import of orchids amounted to 1.3 mn flowers (-7.1%) worth $1.2 mn (-7.7%), mainly from the Netherlands, Thailand and Belarus.