The new Colombian Vice Minister of Agricultural Affairs of Colombia, Juan Gonzalo Botero, along with the General Manager of the Colombian Phytosanitary Agency, ICA, Deyanira Barrero, participated in a field trip to the Darwin Colombia production farm with Jairo Cadavid, president of the Association of Colombian Nurseries (Colviveros) on August 8, 2020.
The purpose of the visit was to get to know the company´s live plants export procedure, as well as the employment generation potential of this ornamental segment in Colombia, given the fact that Darwin Colombia exported more than 70 millions cuttings last year, and it is the largest generator of legal rural employment per hectare in the county with 420 tons in only 7 hectares.
The government officials´ visit to the Colombian nursery industry continued later on with a tour to the Saenz Fety's Innovation and Development Center, a place that shows the enormous impact of the adoption of appropriate under-cover horticultural production technologies can have on productivity.
This Center was created in Colombia to research the adaptability, use, and management of forage seeds, vegetables, and agricultural inputs in order to guarantee the best possible outcome for the domestic agricultural producers.