"Marly Skin forms an invisible layer on the skin within minutes of application. All the while, maintaining the skin's elasticity and sensitivity. This layer protects the skin against irritating and abrasive substances. It doesn't affect the skin's respiration and perspiration. You also still have a sense of touch. There's no trace of greasiness on the skin. The product is absolutely safe too. When you use Marly Skin, your skin won't dry out anymore due to frequent hand washing or disinfection," says Cherise Bruijnzeel.
Marly Skin can be used in many sectors, including the agricultural one. "Take, for instance, the flower bulb sector. People who work in this sector can experience irritations and allergic reactions. These include 'tulip fingers and tulip eczema'. Contact with the products causes this. The skin can react allergically or become damaged too."
"That's due to direct contact with flower bulbs, chemicals, or diesel. Or petrol, fertilizer, or pesticides. Or even substances such as degreasers, soaps, and such. Using Marly Skin makes it much easier to remove grime from your hands. Marly Skin can prevent such reactions in practically all these cases. When working with harmful substances, we recommend always using double protection," concludes Cherise.
For more information:
Cherise Bruijnzeel
Marly Skin
Email: info@marlyskin.nl
Website: www.marlyskin.nl