Squire’s Garden Centres has released the results of their “Gardening during Lockdown” survey. The recent survey of over 3,000 people looked at how much gardening people did during lockdown in Spring 2020, what people planted then and what they will plant now, and how gardening makes people feel.
The overwhelming finding was that gardening was a lifesaver in lockdown, with 93% of people agreeing or strongly agreeing with this statement.
With more time spent at home people have been spending a lot of it in the garden, and Squire’s survey found that 77% of people did more gardening during lockdown than they would do normally.
A massive 33% of respondents said that they did over 10 hours of gardening each week during Spring 2020. Compare that to Spring 2019 when only 9% of people did more than 10 hours of gardening each week.
Click here to read the complete article at www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk