Transparency concerning the use of crop protection products, fertilizers, and energy is becoming more and more important in the horticultural sector. Societal pressures to produce more sustainably are increasing, and growers want to show they are responsible. “With the help of MPS-ABC, I can show to my clients that my products are produced sustainably,” says Roel van Schie of Sjaak van Schie.
Many (market) parties request secured environmental registration. For instance, the Platform Sustainable Trade Flower Bulbs & Perennials stimulates certification, and Royal FloraHolland requires a digital environmental registry from every leader on the 31st of December 2020 at the latest and a competitive environmental registry by the 31st of December 2021. Eventually, more and more parties work towards achieving the FSI sustainability requirements that have been set up for the ornamental industry. With MPS-ABC, growers meet the demands of market parties such as Royal FloraHolland.
Custom made
“One of the advantages of MPS-ABC is that the use within our registration environment can be entered via a smartphone or tablet. This can be done during or after applying the use,” says Mattijs Renden, Standards Manager MPS-ABC at MPS. “It is also possible to set up your own environment: customers can turn modules on and off in whatever way they need. For instance, people who only partake in MPS-ABC have the option to turn off MPS-GAP. This makes the registration environment comprehensive and user friendly.” Those who want will also be helped with setting up the registration, and there are also step-by-step instruction videos available.
Advantageous on multiple levels
According to Roel van Schie, Managing Director at hydrangea nursery Sjaak van Schie, the MPS-ABC environmental certification has many advantages. The company has an MPS-A certificate. “First of all, it provides clarity to your customers, who have many more requirements these days. With MPS-ABC, it is clear to everyone how sustainably the production is run. If more of the market, buyers, and especially retailers rally behind the certificate, you will not need to explain what you do as many times anymore, which saves on hassle. You also become more efficient in your own business operations because you will focus on both quality and certification. Lastly, it aids in taking on a sort of joint responsibility which helps us ensure a future for the Dutch ornamental industry.”
Looking back: last summer, MPS spoke to Roel in one of the greenhouses in the Dutch Westland about his certification:
The entry price for participation in the Netherlands is 290 euros. In the second year, when audits, samples, qualifications, and certification are taken, the certification’s base rate is 700 euros. Choosing MPS is choosing personal contact. MPS has a worldwide network of coordinators and service teams that help and support growers. The organization has all of its facilities under the same roof: from the registration environment to audits, samples, and certifications. MPS-ABC has been proving itself as a tool for improvement management for the past 25 years. Over 5,000 production locations in more than 50 countries use MPS-ABC to make their sustainability efforts measurable.
Impact on the environment
“The demands of the market are increasing. Actual registration on the crop level is one of the most important demands,” says Renden. “Our MPS-ABC certificate is an internationally accepted scheme. Based on registered data, we make the sustainability efforts made by growers transparent and measurable. By registering the use of crop protection products, fertilizer, energy, water, and waste, we measure how sustainable a company is in its production. Doing so leads to more awareness of the use of products. Growers can also use the data to make their production process even more sustainable: customers receive a qualification overview every three months that can be used to adjust business operations. This way, participating in MPS-ABC can make a company money over time.”
For more information:
Sjaak van Schie