On Friday November 20th it was officially announced that Euflorie had won first prize at The Royal FloraHolland Benchmark Awards with the Picola Shine Mix in the mini Cyclamen category.
The idea behind the RFH Cyclamen Benchmark Award is to identify the cyclamen with the best shelf life. All the Cyclamen growers can send in their cyclamen to the RFH trialing center for assessment. The test is divided into different categories; mini, midi and large and are evaluated several times by the growers themselves for several weeks.
© Syngenta Flowers
This was of course an excellent opportunity for Bart Kuijer (Senior Product manager Cyclamen) and John Gordon (Product manager Potplants) to visit Euflorie and congratulate the owners Sander and Bart van Lith with their first prize and celebrate with a special cake.
Bart indicated what they thought made the Picola Shine Mix so special in their view was that it all came down to the right genetics. But of course, we all know that it is not only genetics but the way the grower grows it. However, everyone agreed that Cyclamen needs a push in the marketplace.
The current idea is to combine all efforts from breeders, growers and auctioneers to promote Cyclamen for outside as well as inside use. This is a real opportunity to drive sales.