Terra Nova Nurseries has officially released its list of plants for gardeners and growers that coordinate with Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and Pantone 13-0647 Illuminating. This year’s exciting reveal is the first time since 2016 Pantone has released two Colors of the Year, and Terra Nova’s vast catalog of colorful plants offers consumers with a plethora of options for synchronizing their gardens with the new pair of trend colors recently recognized by Pantone. These many colorful variety options present growers and retailers trend-color marketing and sales opportunities for 2021.
Clockwise: Coreopsis Citrine, Agastache Poquito Butter Yellow, Corydalis Canary Feathers and Echinacea Aloha
Corresponding in color to Pantone 13-0647 Illuminating are Terra Nova’s Agastache Poquito Butter Yellow; Coreopsis ‘Citrine’; Corydalis ‘Canary Feathers’; Echinacea ‘Aloha’; Kniphofia ‘Pineapple Popsicle’; Kniphofia ‘Yellow’; Leucanthemum ‘Goldfinch’; and Leucanthemum ‘Luna’.
Clockwise :Kniphofia Pineapple Popsicle, Kniphofia Poco Yellow, Leucanthemum Goldfinch and Leucanthemum Luna.
Terra Nova’s varieties coordinating in color with Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray are Begonia Holiday ‘Jolly Holly’, Begonia Silver ‘Lace’, Heuchera Northern Exposure Silver, and Heuchera ‘Glitter’.
Clockwise: Begonia Holiday Jolly Holly, Begonia Silver Lace, Heuchera Glitter, and Heuchera NORTHERN exposure Silver
“Everyone has feelings about Pantone’s color choices this year, but being that Terra Nova is located in the Pacific Northwest, we’re quite familiar with the daily gray colors, similar to Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray,” said Dan Heims, president of Terra Nova Nurseries. “We sometimes go for weeks without sunshine, but when it comes and glows like Pantone 13-0647 Illuminating, it can warm anyone’s skin, soul or spirt.”
Terra Nova Nurseries’ vast catalog of more than 1,000 cultivars allows the company’s licensees and customers to find close matches to any color recognized by Pantone in any given year. This is achieved through Terra Nova’s creative and innovative breeding efforts and a sense of upcoming trends in the horticulture and home gardening industries.
Terra Nova Nurseries has created “Plant Profile” pages and “Grower Recipes” specific to these varieties so growers interested in orders can learn about growing habits, plant characteristics, fertilization recommendations, water requirements, and other insights provided by the breeding team. These documents can be viewed and downloaded for printing at: https://www.terranovanurseries.com/product-category/active-plants/. Growers can contact their Terra Nova Nurseries representatives or email the sales team at sales@terranovanurseries.com.