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NL: Celebratory start of greenhouse construction HilverdaFlorist

HilverdaFlorist continues with the next phase of the construction of the greenhouse project at their main location at the Dwarsweg in De Kwakel, the Netherlands. On Thursday 29th of April, construction started with the celebratory piling of the first pole. On behalf of the Managing Board and the Production Management team, Arthur Koekkoek and Nico Reijm had the honour to give the start signal and piled the first pole into the ground.

The Managing Board of HilverdaFlorist. From left to right: Arthur Koekkoek, Marc Rost and Bart Sneek

The new and modern greenhouse complex includes almost 2.2 hectares (5.4 acres) of greenhouses with post-heights of 6.3 metre and 0,7 hectare (1.7 acres) of production buildings. After the expansion the greenhouse complex will house the production demand for young plants of HilverdaFlorist in The Netherlands.

Multiple partners are selected which fulfil a large part in the realisation of the project. Quality, reliability, and continuity are important criteria for the selection of these parties. The project will be coordinated by Technokas Smart Engineering and Bosman Van Zaal is contracted for the greenhouse construction. The new greenhouses will be Venlo-type greenhouses. For the best development of the young plants they will also built a cabrio greenhouse. The greenhouses are fully equipped according to the concept of Smarter Growing (Het Nieuwe Telen concept) and are covered with high diffuse glass. HilverdaFlorist decided to install the PARperfect climate system as screen installation in the mist sections. This ensures that the crop always receives the correct light exposure. Imitating natural light as much as possible encourages growth of crops.

The interior of the greenhouses including the watering- and climate control system will be supplied by Stolze. For the internal transport the 2D Shuttle system of the company Logiqs will be installed. Besides that, a spray robot of Robur will be implemented. Automation and robotisation of the processes are implemented to increase production capacity and to work more efficiently.

Innovation is an important pillar for this project, with a strong focus on durability, efficiency and hygiene. By installing the concept of Smarter Growing (Het Nieuwe Telen), crops can be grown more energy efficient and production can be optimised at the same time. HilverdaFlorist will also increase the capacity for generating in-house electricity, use more sustainable CO2 and energy saving LED lights in the greenhouses. This all will be realized to serve customers in the most optimal way and to further develop the ambitions of HilverdaFlorist and their customers.

The new greenhouses will be operational at the start of 2022. The development of the greenhouses is completely in line with the ambitions of the company; to be the leading breeding- and propagation company with the most innovative products in the selected crops.

For more information:
[email protected]


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