A total of 105,000 flowers were delivered from California, Colombia and Ecuador for this year's Memorial Day, which was on May 31, 2021. Asocolflores donated 60,000 flowers of Colombia.
US president Joseph joined the tribute of Memorial Day presenting a flower wreath to remember the veterans and those fallen in war, at Arlington Cemetery.
During the 153rd celebration of Memorial Day at the Arlington
cemetery, Asocolflores together with The Memorial Day
Flowers Foundation donated approximately 60,000
Flowers of Colombia for several cemeteries. Also, boxes of flowers were sent to another 100 locations so the families could hold their personal event at a local cemetery.
Despite the difficulties in 2021 resulting from the
pandemic and restricted access to public places, the
celebration day was especially relevant, with limited
attendance mediated by the Memorial Day Flowers
Foundation and it's over 400 volunteers. The flowers from
Colombia and Asocolflores, present for over 10 years at
this very important event, accompanied the families
paying their respects, and following the biosafety
recommendations to ensure the day would be
According to Ramiro Peña Herrera, co-founder and
executive director of the Memorial Day Flowers
Foundation: “Even with the COVID-19 pandemic, Memorial
Day will not be canceled. We can still honor our fallen
troops and their sacrifices. Next year, with the support of
sponsors and individual donors, we hope the volunteers
and their families can place one flower on each grave of
the National Arlington Cemetery. We must thank
Colombia for its constant support over the last decade”.
Augusto Solano, President of Asocolflores: “Memorial Day
has been one of the most patriotic days in the United States
for over 100 years. Asocolflores decided to be part of this event to remember all the people who have lost their lives during the
wars and to accompany the families. Our flowers from Colombia
will continue to commemorate all those who have fallen and to
inspire through their diversity”.
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