During the COVID-year of 2020, lots of things were cancelled, but the Awards ceremony of the Royal FloraHolland Greenovation Award took place as ‘normal’! The brothers Matthieu and Alexander Barendse from Kwekerij Barendse Freesia, were the lucky winners in December with their concept FreGanzia: freesias which are cultivated in an innovative cultivation system with almost zero emissions. How are things going today at the company from ‘s Gravezande and what has the award brought them?
"It has now been over seven months after winning our price, and we still notice that our name recognition has increased," says Matthieu Barendse. "Traders are more interested, and what's also noticeable is that more interns are coming to us for their internships. Which we are very pleased about."
Let's go back to last year. Where the winner is usually announced at the Trade Fair Aalsmeer, COVID changed everything completely, including this Awards ceremony. The brothers were taken by surprise at their company with the message that they had won the award. A few days later, during the online Cooperative Day, Matthieu and Alexander were present in the recording studio to receive the award from CEO Steven van Schilfgaarde.
Barendse Freesia grows the double white FreGanzia in a revolutionary new way. The company makes optimal use of floor space with a three-tier cultivation system in a fully conditioned climate cell. The 850 solar panels provide electricity for the LED lighting and thanks to the closed cultivation system, pesticides are unnecessary. Barendse also reuses the drain water and the climate cell is almost emissions-free.
Promising total concept in the spotlight
Matthieu: "Our sales manager at the auction thought that the sustainable award was something that would fit us. FreGanzia is a very promising total concept, that takes into account almost all the components of the footprint (energy, water, crop protection products, use of space). The Greenovation Award gives recognition to innovations. The award has an impact and encourages companies to work even more sustainably."
From the jury report: These types of innovation will decide the future for the industry and this complete concept can function as an example and source of inspiration not only for the industry and fellow growers but also for breeders, for example. The brothers view the Greenovation Award as a nice bonus and as a support pillar for further sustainability. "Technically, we are far advanced with FreGanzia. There are still opportunities in terms of breeding. And there are small points where we can work in a more sustainable way. So this prize is certainly not the end of the road; we will continue to develop our company in the future."
Sustainability remains an important issue
Royal FloraHolland calls on the sector to continuously keep innovating in sustainability. Attention for sustainability and sustainable innovations is of the utmost importance and is essential to future-proof the industry.
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Royal FloraHolland