The product development team at Ball Ingenuity is ready to partner with plant breeders and suppliers – large and small – from around the globe and bring unique plants to market. It is now possible to schedule a meeting with Joan Mazat at Cultivate’21 (booth #3146) to share your latest breeding project with her, while learning about the latest introductions available through this collaborative division of Ball Seed.
“New markets, new trends – Ball Ingenuity is always on the lookout for cutting-edge new plants, and to foster a win-win relationship with enthusiastic breeders,” says Joan Mazat, head of new product development for Ball Ingenuity. “Finally, with in-person events, we can connect with plantsmen and women looking to take their breeding project to the next level.”
Jurassic Rex Begonia
While on-site in Columbus, Ohio, the Ball Ingenuity booth will also showcase its latest new varieties for 2022 sales, including extensions of the Jurassic Rex Begonia collection with new sizes, as well as Indoor Floral Hydrangea offerings through Aldershot and the HBA. The booth will also feature the new Exacum Jupiter series, a long-lasting, double-flowered vegetative Exacum with great shelf life and performance. You will also be able to see Philodendron Shangri-La, a plant that is right in step with today’s trends.
Philodendron Shangri-La
Visit the Ball Ingenuity website to learn more about how their team fosters partnerships through support and commitment. The website also shares plant details on its full product assortment, including the latest 2022 introductions listed above, and more.
To submit your request to meet one-on-one with Ball Ingenuity while at Cultivate’21, July 11-13, 2021, click here to fill out the form.
For more information:
Ball Ingenuity
[email protected]