A total of 352 workers have now been vaccinated at Luxaflor Roses, a 22-hectare rose farm in the Zimbabwean town Concession. They organized a vaccination program for their workers, who received their first dose on the July 14 and 15 2021, and will receive their second dose on August 16.
Roelof Nugteren of Luxaflor Roses explains: “The workers were very positive about the vaccinations, since the number of COVID cases has been going up in the country. We have also managed to reduce the in and out flow of our workers to try and minimize the movement and spread of COVID-19.
Roelof Nugteren at the IFTEX 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya
In addition, we keep a close eye on face masks and social distancing, and we have supplied hand washing facilities in every greenhouse entry point.” Daily temperature checks are also required as well as hand sanitizing at the main gate and in their office. Luxaflor also carries out a daily routine of disinfecting all their tools and equipment, as well as the doors.
For more information:
Luxaflor Roses (PVT) LTD
Roelof Nugteren, General Manager
Email: [email protected]