Silvestres participated in this year´s variety competition organized by Proflora and Asocolflores - the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters - with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Procolombia, in Bogotá, Colombia.
Silvestres greenhouse located in Antioquia, Colombia
An international jury chose the best flowers that will set trends during the next two years in the main international markets from 286 varieties. The qualifying jury was made up of international experts and 14 species of flowers were awarded in two categories: breeders and producers.
Left: Colorado Springs 1st Place, right: Valentino 2nd Place
Silvestres participated with two varieties in the category of Chrysanthemum spray, obtaining first and second place. The participating varieties were Colorado Springs, which won first place, and Valentino, which won second place in the same category.
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