The latest finding of Tobacco Ringspot Virus was reported in September 2019 in ajuga reptans as part of a specific survey in which asymptomatic plants of 30 locations have been sampled and tested. This survey specifically targeted ajuga, following two positive testing records (non-official) of two lots during 2018, of which one originated in a third country and the other in the Netherlands.
This was the first official finding of TRSV in Ajuga reptans. Since 2000, other findings of TRSV were recorded in Bacopa (2000, 2006), Celosia (2008), Portulaca (2000, 2006, 2007), Hemerocallis (2006, 2018), Iris ensata (2006), Iris siberica (2006), Iris germanica (pest report September 2017 and September 2019), and Phlox subulata (2010, and pest report March 2018). At the beginning of 2020, TRSV was also reported by an operator in Rosmarinus plants originating in a third country. These plants were destroyed.
On the basis of the multitude of findings in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the EU, it is presumed the virus is wider spread in the EU than currently known, both in terms of geographic distribution as well as in terms of host plants. In case of future findings, measures will be taken for infected lots (destruction) to prevent the spread of the virus. Following a finding, the Netherlands will no longer test all other
(potential) hostplants at a company. Specific TRSV surveys will only be carried out in case of new findings.
Visit the report here.
For more information:
Ministry of agriculture, nature and food quality of the Netherlands