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Cindro: "Making crops more resistant to external stressors"

Using science as biological support during cultivation is Cindro's mission. "We've repositioned ourselves and have new branding. We want to use this to more effectively support distributors and growers while making cultivation more sustainable," says Thomas Verburg, third-generation owner-director of this Dutch company.

Cindro has been in business for more than 70 years. The company uses scientific methods to develop and produce eco-friendly solutions to make crops more resilient to external stressors. "We want our focus to be on maintaining crops' biology and healthy growth without residues that could harm humans, animals, and the environment."

"Our main products are disinfectants based on stabilized hydrogen peroxide and liquid fertilizers, biostimulants. We also have admixtures based on orthosilicic acid. We believe that a clean growth environment and using the correct (green) substances will result in vigorous, vital plants less dependent on fungicides and insecticides," Thomas continues.

Substance file
Cindro is the only company in Europe to be a lead REACH registrant of the pure substance orthosilicic acid. "As a producer, we've invested in a substance file. It includes proving the molecular identity of orthosilicic acid and conducting a risk assessment."

Cindro owns several patents, thanks to internal developments. "Silicon is an important element for foliar vitality. However, growers and consultants can no longer see the wood for the trees," explains Verburg. "What kind of silicon is being used? There are so many suppliers. We've been producing Orthosilicic Acid for more than 20 years. We sell it via a global dealer network."

"Our silicon formulas are distinctive in living labs. They result in visibly better crop development, increasing resistance to diseases like powdery and false mildew and pests like thrips and spider mites. The REACH registration gives growers and distributors a guarantee that they're using pure orthosilicic acid," Thomas concludes.

The company's new logo 'Cindro Science for Nature' is the result of this vision.

Cindro's very first logo

Client portal
Cindro will have a new website very soon. It will include a client portal to simplify ordering. There will be a newsletter with the latest news about innovations to farm more sustainably too. The website will have information on various topics such as diseases, pests, leaf vitality, and the disinfection of cultivation systems. Cindro also regularly publishes research results of tests done in independent living labs.

For more information:
Thomas Verburg
Tel: +31 (0) 649 149 965
Email: [email protected] 
Website: (will be live soon)

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