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Two new pink launches from Genesis Plant Marketing

Genesis Plant Marketing has launched two new varieties, the Clematis truffle series, and the Tayberry bounty berry. 

Sweet launch from Genesis
New for 2022 in the UK and available in limited numbers only (or to pre-book for 2023), comes the Clematis Truffle Series.

This is a group of seven early flowering Montana types, all of which have dark or chocolatey foliage. The flower colors range from pure white through to different shades of Pink and Red, making these quite a unique group in this type of Clematis.

The flower colors range from pure white through to different shades of Pink and Red.  All are fully hardy garden climbers.

Bred in Wales
The  Clematis Truffle Series has been bred in Wales by Hyfryd Plants, with early supplies propagated by Craignish Nurseries. These will be turned into liners at Seiont Nurseries in the UK in 2022.

Juicy launch from Genesis
Tayberries are a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. The Tayberry Bounty Berry is a new variety that is notable for the generous quantity of fruit it produces: 3 to 5 kg from its second year of production.

Raspberry flavor
It has the flavor of raspberries and the growth and foliage of blackberries. Fast-growing in spring, it should be tied to support and can then be easily trained on a trellis.

Its white flowers open quite early, appearing from May to July. The Tayberry Bounty Berry has tasty fruits resembling large, very long raspberries which are violet-pink when they mature in July and August.

For more information:
Genesis Plant Marketing

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