Breeder Schoneveld Breeding loves to show all that is going on within different product groups. After Primula Paradiso, it was in weeks 6 and 7 time for Primula obconica Touch Me to show itself. All colors from all series were in the spotlights during the annual open days. Several young plant growers took a look. Of course, the growers from Touch Me+ association also walked along all plants.
Primula obconica Touch Me
Visitors of the open days already knew: Primula obconica Touch Me is the perfect product to set the atmosphere of spring. The joyful plants cherish even the darkest days. The bright green leaves and cheerful flowers are a joy to watch.
Product features
The name Touch Me carries the main feature of the series in itself. All plants are primin free. That means itch and irritation belong to the past. Besides that, Touch Me is characterized by the genetically compact plant shape, strong flower stems, and the powerful appearance of the plants. The shelf life is excellent and the uniformity within different colors is great. The flowering is to be called abundant and the flowers all have vivid colors. Primula obconica Touch Me are the first bloomers of the year. A perfect addition to the assortment of growers.
Touch Me Mini free available
The most important news from the open days is the availability of Touch Me Mini. After a few years of selective distribution in Europe, this most compact variety now is free available. Touch Me Mini is suitable for a 9 to 10,5 centimeter pot. The product requires little growth regulators and therefore offers many opportunities for the future. In a world where the use of growth regulators reduces more and more, sustainable choices get a more prominent role. Touch Me Mini is available in 5 intense colors.
Touch Me Midi
A little bigger is Touch Me Midi, suitable for 10,5 to 12 centimeter pot. This middle-sized Touch Me is available in 8 colors. Remarkable is the color Dark Orange, which is improved this year. This color is more uniform in flowering, a little lighter in color and even more filled and rounder shaped.
Touch Me Large
Touch Me Large is the largest in the Touch Me series. These plants are suitable for 12 to 15 centimeter pots. Touch Me Large is available in 10 colors. From these, Magenta is improved with a more uniform flowering and plant size. Touch Me Large Pink is also improved. This is more uniform and a little more compact in terms of plant shape.
During the open days, as usual, there is room for all colors of all series. That means the special color Galaxy, from the Touch Me Large series, also was in full bloom. These purple with white colored flowers are unique in the market. They let the galaxy come really close for a moment. Next to the standard Touch Me with single and bi-colored flowers, Galaxy really stands out.
Primula Pricanto
The vintage colors of Primula Pricanto also showed themselves in the greenhouses. Like Galaxy, this series is also unique in the market. The primin free Pricanto has little flowers and is suitable for indoors and outdoors under the porch. Shelf life is excellent, equal to the regular Touch Me. Primula Pricanto is suitable for a 9 to 12 centimeter pot and available in 3 colors.
For more information:
Schoneveld Breeding
[email protected]