A fortnight ago, Marginpar, a cut flower grower and well-known for its Clematis, launched a campaign to raise money for Giro 555, to support humanitarian aid in Ukraine and surrounding countries.
A tribute to brave citizens
Clematis Amazing Inspiration, one of the first varieties of cut Clematis, was permanently renamed Clematis Amazing Kyiv for this campaign. The flowers in the Clematis Amazing series are (almost) all named after a world city. With this name change, Marginpar wants to support the people of Ukraine in these harsh times.
The initiative
But of course, it did not stop at a name change. For a period of two weeks, the proceeds of the Clematis Amazing Kyiv from Marginpar's own farms, plus a contribution from the partner farms, were put aside for Giro 555. Clematis breeder Van Zoest also donated its royalties. The final amount was then doubled by the Marginpar Foundation. Marginpar: "Soon we were emailed by one of our oldest business relations and strategic partner: Classic Japan. They were moved by the initiative and offered to donate their proceeds of Clematis Amazing Kyiv to our campaign. Heart-warming, and of course we are most grateful for that. We also saw a lot of support online from florists and buyers, so great! Together, we were able to create something truly amazing."
That brings the total amount to €26.930,66 for Giro 555. With this, Marginpar and partners support the cooperating aid organizations in helping refugees with food, water, clothing, medicines, shelter and psychological support.