The exact number of visitors has not been counted yet, but the first in-person FlowerTrials after the pandemic-caused hiatus was very busy indeed. Visitors from all over the world (minus Russia and some east-Asian countries) made their rounds to see what's blooming at the 60+ breeders organizing trials, often combining their trip with a visit to the international horticulture fair GreenTech in Amsterdam.
Gergio Garzzola and Claudio Fazzola, owner and product manager at Padana; Ludo Decock, Managing Director at Decock Plants; Wout Vollebregt, sales manager at Perry van den Haak; and Geert-Jan Aaldering of Schneider youngplants.
Click here for our photo report
While the occasion was joyous, there are many underlying concerns. Strict rules concerning the emission of nitrogen and CO2, skyrocketing energy prices, expensive raw materials, messed up supply chains, major inflation, do not inspire much confidence. Despite that, growers seemed optimistic and eager to move forward.
We did our best to pay everyone a visit. Unfortunately, this mission turned out to be a bit too ambitious, but even so, we hope to bring you a nice overview with this photo report. If you have any highlights or other news that should be added here, please don't hesitate to send us an email!