If you are bothered by unwanted bugs in the greenhouse, spraying is the obvious solution. But sometimes, this just doesn't work well enough, and you have to look for another method. Dutch grower, Ron van der Voort of ROVO plant, knows all about it - he had problems with Sciara in the greenhouse, and spraying was unable to eradicate the flies. Hence the decision to use a power fogger.
"This way, we could cover the entire greenhouse in mist to tackle the problem thoroughly," says Ron. In the fogger, a mixture was used, alternating between the agents Vertimec and Decis. "The power fogger has helped a lot. You can never get rid of it 100 percent, but since we started treating it weekly, the main problem has been solved."
Taking it all in
An additional advantage of the weekly treatments - the machine is set in motion in the evening, and after four to five hours of penetration, it's done - is that you take everything with you. "Including the leafminers and other pests, such as aphids, caterpillars, and thrips."
Previously, the unwanted guests were sprayed in the greenhouse, but on a hot summer's day, the substances dry up so quickly that they cannot do their job properly. "Now we do a complete treatment, which also involves getting under the leaf, for example. With the power fogger, you really get to grips with every corner of the greenhouse. That is certainly important with these flies, which like to hide under a pot or in between the plants."
Full switch to power fogger
The new method is so successful that they now only use the power fogger to control insects - they no longer spray, Ron explains. "Now, we do need the product because we are treating a larger area, but if you compare that with the time saved, it's easy to calculate. We set up the machine in the middle of a two-hectare section, and within two hours, the whole area is covered with spray, after which the machine switches off automatically."
Spanish daisies
Thanks to the power fogger, Ron's Spanish daisies look great. On he grows bedding plants on 4ha, in a greenhouse where amaryllises used to grow - the delivery season runs from March to June. In September, the first cuttings go in again.
For more information:
Ron van der Voort
ROVO plant
Zanddijk 52
2691PH 's Gravenzande
Tel.: +31 (0)6 23824588
Jos VeugenFrans Veugen Bedrijfshygiëne B.V.
Platinastraat 9
6031 TW Nederweert
Tel.: +31 (0) 495 46 01 88