How does Cobaplant make climbing plants more sustainable? Well, with the first 100% biodegradable Kratiste climbing stick, made of potato waste streams and Miscanthus. Cobaplant is the first grower to add this climbing stick to their assortment. In the meantime, more growers have followed this promising initiative", OZ Planten mentions on their website.
Natural look
"The look and feel of the Kratiste climbing stick is beautiful. It looks and feels like a tree trunk and is hollow on the inside, making it ideal for watering as the water reaches the roots directly. This is good for the growth of the plant. The plant attaches itself easily to the trunk because of its coarse structure." The following plants with a Kratiste climbing stick are available:
- Epipremnum aureum
- Philodendron 'Red Emerald’
- Philodendron scandens
All the sticks in a row
"By choosing a Kratiste climbing stick, you avoid thousands of kilometers in transport because the climbing stick is produced in the Netherlands. You can also select compostable material instead of petroleum, and you can avoid the use of fungicides." See below the video about Kratiste.
For more information:
OZ Planten
Magnolia 11 VBA Zuid
1424 LA De Kwakel
Postbus 1076
1430 BB Aalsmeer
+31 297 380 780