What is Circular Design and how do sustainability and design fit together? What does Cradle to Cradle mean and can designers influence the change towards more sustainability? Is the thesis "The new beautiful is sustainable" future-oriented? These and many other questions will be answered by three experts at the free Online Event "Sustainability meets Design" on 31 August from 4:00 pm to 5:45 pm (CET).
"Design is about emotions - no one buys an ugly product, no matter how sustainable it is," says speaker Susanna Björklund. Is that true and do we pay more attention to design than to sustainability? The trend analyst and journalist talks about the importance of combining sustainability and design in her lecture "Sustainability and Empathy in Design". She argues that megatrends make us make better decisions - which is how many great design concepts have come about. She demonstrates this with examples and encourages us to rethink.
For Dr. Harald Gründl, Chairman Institute of Design Research Vienna, designers are agents of positive change, i.e. change makers. In his lecture " Circular Design Rules" he talks about the role of designers and how they can influence the sustainability of their product ideas. Ciruclar design is one of the focus topics in his lecture, in which he also answers the question of how the path to the circular economy works.
"We expect the most far-reaching innovations for sustainable interior design to come from the biological cycle at the interface between biology and technology," says Dr. Sascha Peters, owner and managing director of the future agency for materials and technology Haute Innovation. How exactly is that meant and what does it look like in reality? The speaker will answer these and other questions in his lecture on "Sustainable Material Technologies". Peters will also present sustainable materials to promote recyclability and describe technologies that can be used to reduce emissions.
The online event provides designers, manufacturers, and interested parties from the consumer goods industry with tips on how design and sustainability go hand in hand and shows innovative approaches and projects.
- 4:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Welcome: Dorothe Klein, Head of Content Consumer Goods Fairs, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Chair: Zackes Brustik - 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm
Sustainability and Empathy in Design:
Susanna Björklund, trend analyst and journalist - 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Circular Design Rules:
Dr. Harald Gründl, Chairman Institute of Design Research Vienna - 5:15 pm - 5:45 pm
Sustainable Material Technologies:
Sascha Peters, owner and managing director of the future agency for materials and technology Haute Innovation
The expert presentations will be broadcast and recorded in German and English. Pre-registration is required - once registered, you will automatically receive the dial-in link before the free event and can then attend all presentations.
Click here for free registration:
The next online event will take place on 12 October 2022 on the latest developments in the Hospitality sector.
From February 2023, the leading international consumer goods fairs Ambiente, Christmasworld, and Creativeworld will be held simultaneously at the Frankfurt exhibition center.
Ambiente/Christmasworld: 3 to 7 February 2023
Creativeworld: 4 to 7 February 2023
For more information:
Messe Frankfurt