CSIR, the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, in Jammu on Tuesday organized an Interactive Workshop on Challenges, Interventions, and Opportunities for the farmers of Bhadarwah under the CSIR Floriculture Mission at Bhadarwah.
The workshop in which 100 farmers associated with the cultivation of commercial flowers participated was held at Lal-Ded Auditorium of Bhadarwah Campus and was primarily aimed at Capacity Building, value addition, and Post-Harvest Management of High-Value Floricultural Crops as a part of CSIR Floriculture Mission.
Chief guest DDC Chairman Doda Dhananter Singh Kotwal along with guests of honor Vice Chairperson Sangeeta Rani Bhagat and DC Doda Vishesh Paul Mahajan inaugurated the workshop by lighting traditional lamps.
In his inaugural address, Dr. Shahid Rasool Nodal Scientist CSIR Floriculture Mission said, "To fulfill the clarion call of Prime Minister to double the income of Farmers, CSIR-IIIM under its Floriculture Mission has organized the workshop at Bhadarwah - which has immense potential in Floriculture, especially cut flowers and aromatic plants."
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